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Bush Foods

Bunya   Pine Araucaria bidwillii, Araucariaceae
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A great Australian, this handsome, ancient tree can live over 700 years. It will produce small cones in 12 years with few edible nuts. After 20 years, can produce 40+ cones with up to 100 nuts per cone. Spectacular outlines on the forest canopy, providing a protective habit for birds from a young age.
Feature: Timber, edible nuts and form.
for fire retardant plants
Native   Ginger Alpinia coerulea, Zingiberaceae
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Clumping, under-story, evergreen, around 1 metre. Spikes of white summer flowers. Blue autumn fruit, edible white pulp. Tubers of ginger harvestable.
Feature: Fruit and foliage.
for fire retardant plants
Bangalow   Palm Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, Cunninghamiama
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This beautiful palm has fruit in summer. Grows in the ranges from the tropics to Vic. Protect, water and feed in early years. Best with N.E. aspect or in pots.
Feature: Foliage and fruit.
for fire retardant plants
Corduroy   Tamarind Arytera lautereriana, Sapindaceae
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Hardy, hillside, ever-green Queenslander. White, fragrant, spring flowers. Prune to size. Harvestable, succulent, tangy fruit. Protect, water and feed for first years.
Feature: Fruit and red new growth.
for fire retardant plants
Ironwood Austromyrtus bidwillii, Myrtaceae
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Hardy evergreen small tree. Also known as python tree. Orange bark has attractive green blotches. Black berries, ripe from January - May are edible and sweet to taste. Water and feed in first year.
Feature: Bark and berries.
for fire retardant plants
Flame   Tree Brachychiton acerifolius, Sterculiaceae
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Popular, semi deciduous ornamental tree. Bright red flowers envelope the tree in late spring. Flowering is followed by a flush of new growth. For fast growth, water and feed in first years. Seeds and tubas of young plants are edible.
Feature: Foliage and flowers.
for fire retardant plants
Broad   Leaved   Bottle   Tree Brachychiton australis, Malvaceae/sterculiaceae
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Fast growing, hardy and drought tolerant. Deciduous with white, scented flowers. Seeds are edible when roasted. Water and feed in first years.
Feature: Flowers and foliage.
for fire retardant plants
Little   Kurrajong Brachychiton bidwilli, Malvaceae/sterculiaceae
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Small deciduous drought-hardy shrub with colourful clusters of red flowers. Edible seeds and young tubas. Water and feed in first years.
Feature: Flowers.
for fire retardant plants
Lace   Bark Brachychiton discolor, Sterouliaceae
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Hardy, deciduous prior to early summer flowers. For quick growth protect, water and feed in first years. Edible seeds roasted (fire removes irritating hairs). Small tree in full sun. Prune to size.
Feature: Pink flowers.
for fire retardant plants
Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus, Malvaceae
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A small to medium sized tree with glossy foliage. Popular as a street tree throughout Australia. Provides dense shade and displays clusters of bell shaped cream, pink and red flowers. These are followed by edible seeds borne within woody pods. Water and feed in first years for faster growth.
Feature: Form, foliage and flowers
for fire retardant plants
Bottle   Tree Brachychiton rupestre, Sterculiaceae
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