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Rainforest understory

Native   Ginger Alpinia coerulea, Zingiberaceae
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Clumping, under-story, evergreen, around 1 metre. Spikes of white summer flowers. Blue autumn fruit, edible white pulp. Tubers of ginger harvestable.
Feature: Fruit and foliage.
for fire retardant plants
Blue   Flax   Lily Dianella caerulea, Xanthorrhoeaceae
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Also known as Dianella, Blueberry Lily or Paroo Lily. Perennial plant with dark green blade-like leaves. Produces attractive blue flowers in spring - summer. Edible seeds and indigo coloured berries follow flowering. Water and feed for fast growth.
Feature: Flowers and edible berries.
for fire retardant plants
Spear   Lily Doryanthes excelsior, Agavaceae
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Also known as Flame Lily, Giant Lily. Produces handsome spikes of flowers in late year. Foliage is resistant to frost damage. Feed, water and protect flowers stalks from frost. for improved flowering. Birds feed from flowers. Found in national parks.
Feature: Flowers.
for fire retardant plants
Slender   mat   rush Lomandra hystrix, Lomandra hystrix
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Also commonly known as Green Mat Rush. A robust and sun tolerant plant which is particularly useful for re-vegetation and erosion control Makes an attractive garden plant. The starchy bases of this plants leaves are edible.
Feature: Foliage
for fire retardant plants
Basket   Grass Lomandra longifolia, Asparagaceae
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Also commonly known as Spiny-head Mat rush. A hardy and drought tolerant perennial, popularly used in both gardens and road-side plantings within Australia and overseas. The ground seeds are edible and the leaves can be used for weaving.
Feature: Attractive foliage.
for fire retardant plants
Palm   Grass Molineria capitulata, Hypoxidaceae
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An attractive plant with long, flat leave which grows best in shade. Produces yellow flowers from the base of the plant. Water and feed in first years for faster growth.
Feature: Form and foliage
for fire retardant plants