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Holly   Leaf   Pittosporum Auranticarpa rhombifolia, Pittosporaceae
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Popular ornamental street or garden tree. White flowers are followed by orange fruit from February - May. Frost hardy.
Feature: Fruit and form.
for fire retardant plants
Bailey's   Cypress Callitris baileyi, Cupressaceae
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Evergreen frost-hardy tree with rough bark and a green crown. Grows on rocky slopes and mountainous areas. Male and female cones occur in the same tree. Water and feed in first years. Rare and endangered. Good screening plant.
Feature: Form and foliage.
for fire retardant plants
Finger   Lime Citrus australiasica, Rutaceae
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Very popular, closely related to domestic citrus. Fruit can vary from pink, yellow, black or green. Sticky, clear flesh consists of juice-filled cells. Can be made into marmalade, or eaten fresh. Flowers are attractive, small and scented.
Feature: Fruit and flowers.
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Native   Ebony Diospyros australis, Ebenaceae
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Also known as Black Plum or Yellow Persimmon. An attractive small tree with yellow tinged foliage. Cream-green flowers from October - December. Edible black berries mature from February - July.
Feature: Edible berries and foliage
for fire retardant plants
Red   Fruit   Tamarind Diploglottis campbellii, Sapindaceae
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Rare endangered tree from northern NSW. Tangy, succulent, mostly red, abundant fruit. Hardy, ever-green, cream flowers in Spring. For quick growth water and feed often. Best in full sun, prune to size.
Feature: Colourful, fruit.
for fire retardant plants
Leopard   Ash Flindersia collina, Rutaceae
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Attractive, compact, hardy hillside tree. Semi-deciduous, white flowers in spring. Colourful spotty trunk, useful timber. Woody fruit over winter.
Feature: Compact form.
for fire retardant plants
Cheese   Tree Glochidion ferdinandi, Anacariaceae
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Hardy, adaptable and attractive shade tree. Red-yellow fruits resemble round cheeses. Semi-deciduous rainforest tree. Water and feed in first years.
Feature: Fruit.
for fire retardant plants
White   Oak Grevillea baileyana, Proteaceae
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Spectacular leaves with coppery undersides. Scented white flowers attract birds in summer. Considerably hardy, lowers at an early age. For fast growth, water and feed often in first years.
Feature: Foliage and flowers.
for fire retardant plants
Plum   Pine Podocarpus elatus, Podocarpaceae
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Female plants produce edible purple fruit in Autumn. Hardy and handsome tree with attractive leaves. Can be planted as a hedge, prune to size. For fast growth, water and feed in first years.
Feature: Foliage and form.
for fire retardant plants
Fire   Wheel   Tree Stenocarpus sinuatus, Proteaceae
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Also known as Red Silky Oak due to its spotty timber. Spectacular foliage and spring flowers. In full sun a small hardy evergreen. In the forest can be a large cabinet timber. Water and feed for a good start.
Feature: Flowers and foliage.
for fire retardant plants
Brush   Cherry Syzygium australe, Myrtaceae
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Cream flowers late spring, edible fruit. For quick growth, protect water and feed in first years. A diverse species with many different forms. Very popular hedge or specimen plant.
Feature: Versatility and fruit.
for fire retardant plants
Francis'   Water   Gum Syzygium francisii, Myrtaceae
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Spectacular tree in parks or gardens. Edible, purple fruit, new foliage is red-pink. For fast growth, water and feed in first years. Prune to size.
Feature: Foliage and fruit.
for fire retardant plants
Broad   Leaved   Lilly   Pilly Syzygium hemilamprum , Myrtaceae
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Hardy and adaptable with edible, white fruit. Beautiful new growth ranging from pink to red. For quick growth, water and feed in 1st years. Best in full sun.
Feature: Foliage and fruit.
for fire retardant plants
Creek   Lilly   Pilly Syzygium smithii, Myrtaceae
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A summer flowering evergreen with rough, woody bark. Waxy leaves are green with ping new growth. White-cream flowers from October - March. Berries appear from May - August and are white to maroon in colour. Feed and water in first year.
Feature: Foliage and berries.
for fire retardant plants
Weeping   Lilly   Pilly Waterhousea florabunda, Myrtaceae
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A popular medium to large ornamental tree. White flowers from November - January, followed by pale pink - greenish berries from January - April. Water and feed in first years.
Feature: Form and foliage.
for fire retardant plants