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Rainforest Shrubs

Finger   Lime Citrus australiasica, Rutaceae
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Very popular, closely related to domestic citrus. Fruit can vary from pink, yellow, black or green. Sticky, clear flesh consists of juice-filled cells. Can be made into marmalade, or eaten fresh. Flowers are attractive, small and scented.
Feature: Fruit and flowers.
for fire retardant plants
Green   Kamala Mallotus claxoidies, Euphorbiaceae
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Also known as the smell of the bush. Hardy and tolerant of drought or frost. Broad leaves release a unique scent. Water and feed in first years.
Feature: Scent.
for fire retardant plants
Creek   Lilly   Pilly Syzygium smithii, Myrtaceae
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A summer flowering evergreen with rough, woody bark. Waxy leaves are green with ping new growth. White-cream flowers from October - March. Berries appear from May - August and are white to maroon in colour. Feed and water in first year.
Feature: Foliage and berries.
for fire retardant plants